An Untamed Beast: notes on meeting my rage

An Untamed Beast: notes on meeting my rage

I meet myself in an interesting place as a teacher of yoga. Yoga as a practice brings peace, health and balance to the body, mind and spirit of it’s practitioners.

In sharing this practice, I am forced to face myself on many levels.

A familiar struggle I meet is an inner battle between my self imposed expectations and lack of personal acceptance (two habitual perceptions of mine in a dysfunctional symbiotic relationship). When letting fear rule, I struggle to fit my own ideal of the image, “yoga teacher”.  

Present Moment Awareness Practice: Morning Coffee

Present Moment Awareness Practice: Morning Coffee

Be present. Enjoy the moment... these ideas probably sounds familiar right? 

There is a lot of buzz language that we use when it comes to mindfulness, meditation and the practice of yoga. These themes have been woven into popular culture- for better or worse. 

But what does " being present" actually mean? How do you practice being present? What does being present feel like? 

Let's play with the language a little bit and call it Being in Your Experience. 

Being in your experience means experiencing what is.

5 Ways to Bring Mindfulness into Your Daily Life

5 Ways to Bring Mindfulness into Your Daily Life

5 Daily Mindfulness Practices: A key to my sense of peace and well-being is consistent mindfulness practice. When I take moments each day to pause and connect to myself and the world around me, feeling the earth under my feet and noticing the sweet smile of a stranger, I feel more content and alive.  When I make conscious choices in how I fuel my body I have more energy. When I pause and take a breath before engaging in a challenging interaction, the result is inevitably more peaceful. I remember to apply the practice and I forget. That is where I am on my path. As the prolific writer and Buddhist nun Pema Chodron states, “Start where you are”. 

3 Yoga Postures to Strengthen Your Core and Improve your Surfing!!

3 Yoga Postures to Strengthen Your Core and Improve your Surfing!!

3 Postures to Strengthen Your Core and Improve Your Surfing: 

There are so many parallels between yoga and surfing. India likes to say they go together like rice and beans and I would have to agree! They are two of the most important practices in our own lives as the Papaya Gals and a huge motivation in why we created Papaya Wellness retreats! Personally, the practices of yoga and surfing have increased my quality of life and sense of well being across the board. Which is why we feel so strongly about sharing these practices with you!!!