March Vibes~ Surrender

Thoughts on March from Mystica Mama.. vibes are high as we approach the full moon this Sunday!... surrender...

“It is time to let go of what should have been, could have been and what ought to be in the future. 

It is time to SURRENDER our anger, our resistance, our judgement and our need to know.

SURRENDER is an act of power that takes the reins away from the false personality and hands them over to essence

A Taste For Wanderlust

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us”

If you enjoy the excitement of travel and love to indulge in culinary delights along the way as much as Lisa, then follow her on some epic adventures and meet some cool people along the way! Lisa is all about food and will share with us some fun and easy recipes inspired by her travels! Read her blog.... and be inspired to create

Papaya Wellness and Surf Pro Techniques - first retreat April 1-7th, 2017

Papaya Wellness and Surf Pro Techniques - first retreat April 1-7th, 2017

We are excited to announce more Surf Coaching Retreats with Surf Pro Techniques coach Chapin Kreuter. We will be back at the Surf Lodge here in always offshore southern Nicaragua. Expect a full season of more unlimited boat trips, wave hunting, crowd dodging, beer drinking, barrel chasing, goal reaching, good times!

We are offering surf coaching, accessible waves and opportunity for all levels on this retreat. From the sandy beach break barrels Nicaragua is known for to long peeling longboard point breaks to practice your cross stepping style or simply perfecting your popping up! 

Making Change and Moving Through Transition with Grace:

Making Change and Moving Through Transition with Grace:

We know that personal change has to come from a decision made by the individual. One can receive advice and input over and over again but until we truly understand and personally feel the necessity of changing our behaviour we will never actually chose to do something different.  

Making a change requires action. A willingness to move forward that comes from the visceral understanding that your current habit or choice is not serving your highest self and in order to grow a commitment to new choices must be made. Only when you have a personal experience in understanding your misperception will the change be made. 


Edible Self-Care with India...yum!

Edible Self-Care with India...yum!

I live in a beautiful, lush, sunny and hot climate and for these very reasons I need to be extra mindful and aware of my skin. I've made time once a week, where I take the morning to pamper myself. Enjoy a slow start, sip my coffee, listen to easy music and make homemade face masks and body scrubs. 

Here is one of my favourites: The What's In my Kitchen Face Mask Recipe...